However the protest was called off later on the night and the police and administration are working to clear out the railway lines. The protestors have blocked the Highway 16 and they have also set fire to two police station. 25 more vehicles were set on fire and eight bogies of train were also damaged as the part of the protest in Godavari district.
The passengers inside the train were unharmed however they didn’t let the police remain unharmed. The exact number of injured are not certain. The world is passing through very horrible times. Everywhere there is just violence and disturbance. The people have become very self centered and in order to prove them and their thoughts are only the right thing in the world, they have created huge terror in the world.
But nothing in the world can be solved through these. They all should cooperate and try to figure it out the right thing. Every one need to think carefully about it. If the similar thing is going g to last and everyone wants their voice to be heard and none of the people are ready to compromise a little, then this will definitely lead the world to a darker place. The world will definitely come to an end if the people are not ready to stop this war. There is just competition and all wants to be the best.
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