Nepali Congress President and former Prime Minister Sushil Koirala passed away at 12:50 am on Tuesday. “Everything was normal till Monday evening, the amount of oxygen being administrated to him was increased,” Yogi said, “He had a normal meal yesterday evening. All of sudden, Koirala’s health deteriorated and he breathed his last at 12:50 am.”

Prime Minister and CPN (UML) Chairman KP Sharma Oli has said that the contributions of late Nepali Congress President and former Prime Minister Sushil Koirala in the country’s six-decade democratic movement were extraordinary. Stating that late Koirala made immense contributions by remaining in the key positions in Nepal’s political history and democratic movements, Oli said Koirala’s roles were respected and praiseworthy. Talking to media persons after paying condolence to late Koirala in Maharajgunj, PM Oli recalled Koirala’s positive and firm commitment to promulgate the federal democratic republic constitution by ending the country’s political transition. The PM said that all Nepalis would always remember Koirala for his positive roles and commitments that he showed to promulgate the constitution. Stating that Koirala always stressed the need for unity, consensus, coordination and conciliation in politics, PM Oli added that all should move ahead by resolving the country’s problems, internalising the aspirations of Koirala. PM Oli said, “I would like to express heartfelt condolence in this hour of grief on behalf of Nepal Government, CPN (UML) and on my own.”

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