Nepal Purwadhar Bikash Company Limited on Wednesday said that its Chairman Kush Kumar Joshi was forced to resign. Issuing a statement, NPBCL said a group formed as struggle committee, which is led by the company's former board member Rajuman Maharjan, picketed the company's office and forced Joshi to tender resignation. “Joshi's sealed resignation registered at the company's office in Jwagal of Lalitpur was forcefully opened in presence of two board members Subhas Chandra Thakuri and Lal Krishna KC,” the statement added. The statement also said Joshi offered to resign to help in execution of Kathmandu-Kulekhani-Hetauda Tunnel Highway project.
Kathmandu-Kulekhani-Hetauda Tunnel (KKHT) Highway Project
Nepal Purwadhar Bikash Company Limited on Wednesday said that its Chairman Kush Kumar Joshi was forced to resign. Issuing a statement, NPBCL said a group formed as struggle committee, which is led by the company's former board member Rajuman Maharjan, picketed the company's office and forced Joshi to tender resignation. “Joshi's sealed resignation registered at the company's office in Jwagal of Lalitpur was forcefully opened in presence of two board members Subhas Chandra Thakuri and Lal Krishna KC,” the statement added. The statement also said Joshi offered to resign to help in execution of Kathmandu-Kulekhani-Hetauda Tunnel Highway project.
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