Mumbai police has filed a case against model Kashish Khan and Bhojpuri actor Trisha Khandelwal based on a complaint by Maharashtra Mahila Congress chief Sheetal Mhatre that the two insulted the national anthem during the screening of a film in the city. According to a report in India Today, Mhatre alleged that Khan and Khandelwal refused to stand up while the national anthem was being played before the start of a film at a theatre. The complaint further alleges that when the two models were asked to stand up, they “abused and made fun of the anthem”.Khan and Khandelwal, however, filed a counter-complaint alleging that it was Mhatre who insulted the anthem by refusing to stand up when it was being played. “This is all lie. National anthem started and we were standing. These ten or so people were there and they were shouting. After the anthem, we just turned around to see this lady (Mhatre) and suddenly she started abusing with dirty language and asking ‘kya dekh rahe ho’,” Trisha told the news channel. -
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Mumbai police has filed a case against model Kashish Khan and Bhojpuri actor Trisha Khandelwal based on a complaint by Maharashtra Mahila Congress chief Sheetal Mhatre that the two insulted the national anthem during the screening of a film in the city. According to a report in India Today, Mhatre alleged that Khan and Khandelwal refused to stand up while the national anthem was being played before the start of a film at a theatre. The complaint further alleges that when the two models were asked to stand up, they “abused and made fun of the anthem”.Khan and Khandelwal, however, filed a counter-complaint alleging that it was Mhatre who insulted the anthem by refusing to stand up when it was being played. “This is all lie. National anthem started and we were standing. These ten or so people were there and they were shouting. After the anthem, we just turned around to see this lady (Mhatre) and suddenly she started abusing with dirty language and asking ‘kya dekh rahe ho’,” Trisha told the news channel. -
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